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Customize the message when agents are locked out from CX due to user inactivity
Answer ID 7117   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

How can we add the site name to the logout message to allow agents to use the correct password when they are logged into different sites at the same time?


February 2014 and newer, CX Console, Message Bases


If your agents are logged in several sites and their profiles were configured to lock their instances due to user inactivity, they will be requested to enter their password to continue. The default message displayed is "The instance of RightNow CX has been locked due to user inactivity."

You can customize the text in order to reflect the site name by editing the Message Base that controls this message: INST_RN_CX_LOCKED_DUE_INACTIVITY_MSG.

In this way your agents will know from what site the message comes and what password has to be introduced in order to allow them to continue their activities.

The change might not reflect immediately on the first login of the agents because, unlike other message bases, the change must be downloaded from the server before it will show up on the agent's workstation.


A "console locked" message appears on the Agent Desktop after a short period of inactivity on the site. It requires that you input your password to regain access to the console. You can add the site name to the message to allow agents to use the correct password when they are logged into different sites at the same time.