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End user can't login after password reset
Answer ID 5188   |   Last Review Date 02/25/2019

Why can't my customer login after attempting to reset their password several times?


Contacts, Passwords


If the Customer claims that they have tried to reset the password several times check the following:

a. Check the Audit Log by opening the contact record for edit and selecting the Audit Log tab.  Verify that there is a recent "Reset Password" entry. If not, send the reset password email from the console and direct the customer to use the "Reset My Password" link in the email they receive.

b. Check that the customer is using the most recently created link. If the "Reset Password"is clicked more than once, only the most recent link is valid. Clicking on the older links can cause an error.

c. The customer may also be trying to log in with their old password thinking that the password is "reset" to the old password.
be sure to verifying that the customer is setting a new password for his account via the emailed link.

d. Finally check to see how long ago the "Reset Password" link was sent. The links are only good for 24hrs after creation. If this time has expired, try sending the email again via the console and have the customer use the link provided in the new email.


Clicking the "Reset Password" link will cause the current password to be invalid. Because of this the customer will not be able to log in until they reset the password via the link that is emailed to them.