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Workgroups for the Enhanced Console
Answer ID 6923   |   Last Review Date 11/18/2018

How do parent-child records / workgroups function in the Enhanced service console?


May 2014 and newer releases, Enhanced Service Console


Oracle B2C Service helps you manage multiple open records without confusion by grouping all associated records into a single workgroup. Workgroups apply to incidents, answers, campaigns, contacts, contact lists, documents, mailings, opportunities, organizations, surveys, and tasks. When you open any type of record and then open other records associated with the initial record, you create a workgroup. If a record opens in a workgroup and you Save or Save and Close, all records in the workgroup are saved.


Each time you add or edit an additional record, it opens on a sub-tab and becomes part of the workgroup. You can move between records by clicking on the sub-tabs.

The sub-tab contains buttons: OK, Cancel, and Undock. All sub-tabs, except for the primary record contain these buttons for taking actions on the individual record within the workgroup.

OK - Clicking this button accepts changes made to the record and closes the sub-tab. However, it does not save changes to the database until you click the Save or Save and Close button on the ribbon.

Cancel - Clicking this button closes the sub-tab if you haven't made changes to the record. If you have made changes, a message asks if you want to discard your changes.

Undock - Clicking this button undocks the record from the editor and opens it in a new window. It remains in the workgroup. You can move between working in the window and working with other records in the workgroup without closing the window. (To re-dock the window to the editor, click the Dock button on the window.)

Note: If you do not have Edit permissions for the original record, we simply cannot allow you to save it. So, when another record is opened from within the original record it is opened in a new tab/workgroup. For example, you open a contact record, but do not have permission to edit the contact record. From the contact record you go to the incidents tab and open an incident. Since you have permission to edit incidents, the incident opens in a new tab/workgroup.

For additional information, refer to the 'Creating and using workgroups' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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