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Upgrade site sends wrong auto response
Answer ID 6674   |   Last Review Date 12/19/2018

Why is the standard text auto response different in my upgrade site?


Business Rules, Standard Text Response Messaging
Upgrade from May 2011 and prior


The incident thread control previously available for incident workspaces has been replaced with a new Rich Text Incident Thread control. The redesigned control introduces several helpful features, including the ability to apply basic HTML formatting to incident thread text.  If a standard text value is available in both Text and HTML, the Rich Text Incident Thread control uses the HTML value by default.

While reviewing standard text, note any values that have different content between the Text and HTML fields. For example, the $solutions variable may be in the HTML content but not in the Text content. For standard text entries that have differences between the Text and HTML values, you must now use two different standard texts: one that uses the value of the HTML in both the Text and HTML fields and the other that uses the value of the Text in both the Text and HTML fields. When creating standard text, we recommend that the value used in the Text and HTML fields be the same, although there may be additional formatting in the HTML field.

We also recommend that you review any business rules that append standard text responses to make sure the correct values will be appended based on any modifications made to your standard text. This action is especially important if you use a single rule to display one piece of content on the customer portal when customers submit incidents and then append other content to incident threads when responding to customers. You must break the single rule out into two rules as follows.

First Rule:

If Incident.Source equals SmartAssistant on Ask a Question,

Then Append Response Template to Notes or Response Field. (The HTML value of the standard text displays, but is not appended to the incident.)

Second Rule:

If Incident.Source equals Ask a Question,

Then Append Response Template to Notes or Response Field. (The HTML value of the standard text is appended to the thread in the incident.)