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Error 404 page
Answer ID 6594   |   Last Review Date 12/24/2018

Which error page is displayed when a customer tries to access a non-existent page?


Customer Portal, Error 404 page configuration


The CP_404_URL configuration setting has a default value of error404, which displays the error404.php page when a customer tries to access a non-existent web page. The error message displayed to these users can be customized by editing the error404.php file found via WebDAV at the following location:


This page may be edited and uploaded via WebDAV. If the page does not already exist, one may be created with that file name (error404.php). As with other Customer Portal pages, it must be staged and promoted to production before it will be available to your end users in the production environment.

If CP_404_URL is left blank, the browser will display its standard 404 page.

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