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Phone Number Field on the Chat Launch Page
Answer ID 6543   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

How can I get a contact's phone number field to autopopulate from the Chat launch page to the agent desktop with any workspace?


Chat, Launch
Oracle B2C Service


The ONLY contact fields that will work on the chat launch page and the mobile chat launch page are the contacts first name, last name, and email address. All other fields used on the chat launch page must be incident fields.

A possible workaround, if you want to add additional information to your chat launch page (ie: contacts phone number), you can create an incident custom field and can then store the entered information (ie: phone number) into the created custom field. You would then need to use a Custom Process or a different customization to copy the incident field over to the contact field.

For further information, refer to the online documentation for Chatting on the Customer Portal.

If you need further assistance with creating a custom launch page, please refer to the Oracle B2C Service communities, or you can engage with Oracle Consulting Services.

Our Oracle Consulting team is able to provide consultation and customization for a standard consulting fee.

For US customers:
If you are interested in a Consulting engagement, submit your request to Ask-OracleConsulting letting them know you need to discuss purchasing a Managed Services contract or Remote Product Coaching to help with your consulting needs.

For customers outside the US please contact your sales account manager for purchasing Managed Services or remote coaching hours.