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Remove Customer Entry Option
Answer ID 5679   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

Is it possible to remove the "Customer Entry" option within an incident?


Incidents, Workspace permissions
Oracle B2C Service, November 2011 and newer releases


It is possible to hide the 'Customer Entry' option by editing the Permissions in the options of the Rich Text Incident Thread control on the workspace.

  1. Open associated incident workspace
  2. Click within the Messages tab of the workspace
  3. Click on the Permissions button located on the Design tab
  4. Unselect "Allow adding Customer Entries"
  5. Save the workspace


For more information on workspace properties options, refer to online documentation link that gives further details Workspace Options Properties.


These permissions are only affected for the staff accounts using the specific workspace, and do not affect actions performed by workflow or script rule.