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Actions a business rule can execute
Answer ID 551   |   Last Review Date 07/23/2024

What actions can a business rule execute?


Business Rules, Browser UI Enhanced Business Rules


The specific actions that can be included in a rule depend on what version you are using and which types of rules you are configuring. The actions available for incident rules are different from contact or organization rules, for example.

In general, you can use rules to set system and custom fields and escalate records. With answers, incidents, and opportunities, you can use rules to automatically assign records to specific staff members.

Note: Depending on specific configuration of your site, some actions may not appear in your list of actions on your site. For example, if you do not have categories defined in the Categories table, the Set Field > Category action does not display as an available action.


Actions for Incident Rules: The items listed below are actions that can be configured within incident rules.

Set Field: This action will set or change the selected field for an incident. Example fields include, Assigned, Status, Product, Category, etc.   
Set Custom Field: This action sets the custom field to the value specified. This appears only if you have at least one incident, customer, or company custom field configured.
Set Variable: This action will set the variable to an absolute value, increment or decrement the variable, or append or prepend a character string.  
  Append Thread: 
Append Response Template to Response Field (or Notes field): This action appends a pre-written response to the Response field of the incident. The response template can be edited through the Standard Responses table. This appears only if you have at least one standard response (enabled as a workflow response) configured in the Standard Responses table.
Append Existing Solution (by Answer ID) to Response Field: This action appends and displays a published answer to the Solution field of the incident.
Append SmartAssistant Response to Response Field: This action displays a list of links which SmartAssistant suggests to the end-user submitting the incident. The links are also appended to the Solution field if the end-user finishes submitted the request.
Append Response to the Uncommitted Response Buffer: Use this action to automatically append a response template or answer to the incident’s proposed response field. This action is used in conjunction with the other Append Thread actions that append an answer or response template. If you want the item appended to the incident’s saved thread, do not add the Append Response to the Uncommitted Response Buffer action to the rule.


Send Email Response to Sender: This action sends an e-mail to the sender containing the incident summary and response. To also include the question and/or incident details in the email, select the appropriate check box(es).

Note: You should not add this action unless you have appended a response to the incident. Refer to actions above associated with Append in this table. Using this action without appending something to the Response field results in no email being sent to the customer.
E-mail Incident Information: Sends a copy of the Question Receipt email message to the address you type in the field or select from a menu. You can also send the information to the staff person assigned to the incident. To include administration fields and customer fields, select the appropriate check boxes. Administration fields must be selected before you can select customer fields. Administration fields include the reference number, subject, date created, date last updated, status, assigned staff member, and the incident thread, including private notes. Customer information includes the contact’s email address, first and last names, contact type, title, office phone number, organization, and any contact and organization custom field data.

Note: The "including administration fields" and "including customer fields" options do not apply to Message Templates. They only applied to the now deprecated Mail Scripts.
Send Escalation Notification: Sends an escalation notification to the staff member or group you specify. You can also select a check box to send the escalation notice to the staff person assigned to the incident.
Note: If multiple recipients are selected, press Ctrl and click a recipient to add it to (or clear it from) the list of selected recipients.
Send Marketing Email: Sends the mailing you select from the drop-down menu to the contact for the incident. The default time for sending the mailing is 0 hours, but you can specify the number of minutes, hours, or days after rules processing ends that you want to send the mailing.
Note: This option does not appear if Outreach is not enabled and if no mailings have been created.
Send Transactional Survey: Sends the transactional survey you select from the drop-down menu to the contact for the incident. The default time for sending the survey is 0 hours, but you can specify the number of minutes, hours, or days after rules processing ends that you want to send the survey. The survey will only be sent to the contact once per incident regardless of how many times the rule is matched.
Note: At least one transactional survey must have been added and enabled for "Rule Visibility" in order for this option to appear. Only transactional surveys can be sent in a rule.
Send Receipt Email: Sends a receipt email to the contact associated with an incident.

Additional Actions:

Execute Object Event Handler: Select this action to trigger an external event and then select the type of object event handler from the drop-down menu.
Note: For objects to display in the Execute Object Event Handler drop-down menu, they must be added on the process designer and then the process model must be deployed.

Do Not Create Incident: Select this action to prevent an incident from being added.
Note: When an incident is being updated, this action has no effect.

Do Not Send Email Receipt Message: Select this action to prevent the normal transmission of the email receipt message to the sender. If the incident meets the rule conditions, an automatic response is not sent to the customer.

Do Not Send Response: Select this action to prevent an automatic response from being sent when an incident is updated. For example, if your responses are delivered through a message system outside of Oracle B2C Service, you can use this rule to suppress an automatic response.
Note: To ensure all responses are suppressed, this rule must be executed last.

Assign Incident to Staff Member Assigned the Answer: Select this action to assign the incident to the same staff member who is assigned the answer.
Note: This action has meaning only when the incident source is End-User Pages > Feedback on Answers. A rule with this action fires only when an incident is created, not when it is subsequently edited.

Escalate: Select this action to escalate the incident to the level you select and set other escalation settings.

Clear Escalation: Select this action to clear the escalation level.

For additional information, refer to the 'Actions for Rule Bases' section in online documentation and select the rulebase type you wish to modify.  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.