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Report results limited to 10,000
Answer ID 5422   |   Last Review Date 03/22/2020

When I schedule a report, it doesn't contain any more than 10,000 rows of data - is there a way I can increase this?


CX, Configuration, Reports


A configuration setting called VRL_HARD specifies the limit of the number of rows that can be displayed in a report. If the number of rows returned exceeds this number, the remaining results will not be displayed. Default is 10000.   This is set per-interface.  To modify this, in CX go to Configuration > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings.  Then select the interface and in the General Configuration Menu, select RightNow User Interface.  Scroll down to select VRL_HARD and set it to the desired value, then Commit and Exit.


Increasing this setting may impact site performance and report performance. Increases to this setting should be done incrementally such as 10,000 at a time to ensure that reports are working and the site is not being impacted. One possible impact of increasing this setting is that larger reports may no longer be able to run. If after you increase this setting agents report site slowness or reports suddenly throwing errors, make sure to lower the setting. Overtime as the database grows, you may need to lower the VRL_HARD limit.