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Answer views not getting updated in reports
Answer ID 5274   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

Why are we not seeing correct statistics for answer views in reports?


Customer Portal pages, Answers, Analytics


Answer views are calculated using clickstreams, if you are using a custom script to show answers please make sure you have the following in the PHP code:

<rn:meta title="#rn:php:SEO::getDynamicTitle('answer', getUrlParm('a_id'))#" template="standard.php" answer_details="true" clickstream="answer_view"/>

So when someone views the answer using the answers/detail.php page, the answer statistics table is updated accordingly because you have a clickstream call to answer_view. This will be reported as /Answerview in the clickstreams table.

You can find more details on decoding information in clickstreams table at Answer ID 5103: Anatomy of a web session using clickstreams table.