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Error when attaching a file to Data Uploader
Answer ID 4735   |   Last Review Date 12/12/2018

Why am I getting a "File Attachment Upload Failed" error when trying to attach a file through the Data Uploader?


Windows 7 and XP with Internet Explorer 8+


There is a new security setting in Internet Explorer 8 that by default is set to "Disable." The "Include local directory path with uploading files to the server" must be set to "Enable" in order to be able to attach local files when using the Data Uploader.

1. Open up Internet Explorer and navigate to Tools > Internet Options > Security tab and then click on 'Custom Level', this will open up the Security Settings window.

2. Locate the setting "Include local directory path with uploading files to the server" and make sure it is set to "Enable" and click OK to apply the setting change.