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Error when we send a response with a channel type different to e-mail
Answer ID 4634   |   Last Review Date 11/09/2019

Why do we get an error when we try to send a response via a channel other than e-mail?


Incidents, Channel, Administration Console


The product is functioning as designed. All default Channels are pre-populated in the incident workspace and cannot be removed. The standard Channels are hard coded into the console and available in case an integration is made with other technology (a fax machine or phone system, for example). To find out what integrations are possible and who can provide them for you please contact your Sales Manager.

Agents should be trained to only select Email if Email is the channel that the response is being sent through (and no integrations apply).

For example, a customer submits an incident via email. The agent changes the Channel to Fax when responding to the customer via the incident.

Change the thread channel from the thread title bar by selecting the drop down menu

When the agent saves the response the following error message appears:

Send Response
Response thread with this channel type cannot be sent on save.
Save aborted.

Save aborted


If you do not use the default response Channel for an incident response (Email is default) you may get the following error:

"Response thread with this channel type cannot be sent on save. Save aborted."

Logically, Email is the only Channel that an email response can be sent through. The Channel names can be customized but the default Channels cannot be removed from the Channel list in the incident workspace. The names for Channels can be edited by going to Configuration > Service > Channels.