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Registering your site with a Search Engine
Answer ID 4411   |   Last Review Date 06/06/2022

How do I register my Oracle B2C Service site with a search engine tool?




It is not necessary to register your site with Ask, Google, Yahoo, or  Bing, if sitemap is enabled. Enabling this setting automatically submits your sitemap URL to these search engines and alters your robots.txt file to include the sitemap entry and allow these search engines to index your site.

Registering will not be successful if sitemap is disabled, as your site's robots.txt file will not allow the search engine to access the site. See Answer ID 12254: Sitemap and robots.txt for instructions on how to alter the robots.txt file on your site to allow the specific search engine(s) access. This should only be necessary in unique circumstances where you do not want your site to be indexed regularly, but you must register the site for management reasons.


Registering with Bing

If you have a different need for registering your site with Bing, follow the verification instructions under option 2, copy and paste a tag in your default web page.

  1. Verify the page that is returned when you enter the name of your site into a browser (i.e. By default this will be the /app/home page.
  2. Open the page identified in step 2 via your preferred method for making CP page modifications and verify the template file being used. No changes are necessary to this file.
  3. Open the template file identified in step 3 and insert the meta tag provided by Bing into the <head> section of the file. Then save the file
  4. Deploy, or stage and deploy the modified template file to production.
  5. Verify the ownership in the Being Webmaster pages.

If the verification is not successful, ensure that the correct template file was modified, and that the deployment was successful. You may verify the meta tag placement by opening the default site page in your browser ( and using view source to view the head section. If your interface uses a custom vhost, (i.e., submit the custom vhost in place of the entry.


Registering with Google

If you have a different need for registering your site with Google, follow the instructions under Alternate Methods to verify ownership.

  1. Select the Add a meta tag option and copy the meta tag provided.
  2. Verify the page that is returned when you enter the name of your site into a browser (i.e. By default this will be the /app/home page.
  3. Open the page identified in step 2 via your preferred method for making CP page modifications and verify the template file being used. No changes are necessary to this file.
  4. Open the template file identified in step 3 and insert the meta tag provided by Google into the <head> section of the file. Then save the file
  5. Deploy, or stage and deploy the modified template file to production.
  6. Verify the ownership in the Google Webmaster pages.


If the verification is not successful, ensure that the correct template file was modified, and that the deployment was successful. You may verify the meta tag placement by opening the default site page in your browser ( and using view source to view the head section. If your interface uses a custom vhost, (i.e., submit the custom vhost in place of the entry.


Registering with Yahoo

If you have a different need for registering your site with Yahoo, follow the Authentication instructions using the adding a meta tag option.


If the verification is not successful, ensure that the correct template file was modified, and that the deployment was successful. You may verify the meta tag placement by opening the default site page in your browser ( and using view source to view the head section. If your interface uses a custom vhost, (i.e., submit the custom vhost in place of the entry.