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Cannot access navigation buttons for our new Oracle B2C Service module
Answer ID 2507   |   Last Review Date 11/26/2019

Why don't we see any of the newly enabled Feedback module buttons on the Oracle B2C Service Console?


For sites where a new module has only recently been enabled (i.e. Outreach, Feedback, Chat, etc.)


We just had Feedback enabled on our site.  When we log in, though, we don't see any of the Feedback buttons on the Oracle B2C Service Console.


When a new module is enabled for your site by enabling the appropriate configuration setting, that module is not automatically added to be included or enabled in navigation sets or staff profiles. As a result, when the module is enabled, you do not automatically see the new features for that module added to the Oracle B2C Service Console.

This applies to enabling the following modules:

  • Service
  • Outlook 
  • Opportunities 
  • Chat
  • Feedback
  • Outlook Integration
  • Disconnected Access

Therefore, after the configuration setting for the module has been enabled, you still need to review and update the appropriate navigation sets and profiles. 

For example, if your site recently had Outreach enabled, once the MOD_MA_ENABLED setting is enabled for your site, you need to create at least one navigation set that allows access to the Outreach navigation buttons and also add or update at least one staff profile to allow staff the ability to add and edit Outreach documents, templates, mailings and campaigns.

Similarly, if your site recently had Opportunities enabled, you still need to add or edit a navigation set to allow access to the Opportunities navigation button and then add or edit a profile to allow the ability to create opportunities and send quotes.

After a module has been enabled for your site, you still must do the following:

Step 1:  Add or edit a navigation set to include the navigation buttons for module that was just enabled.

If you are editing an existing navigation set, open the set for editing and then click the down arrow at the bottom of the left frame and select Add or Remove Buttons. From there you can enable the new navigation buttons associated with the newly-enabled module.

If you create a new navigation set, all of the buttons are visible by default, including the buttons associated with the newly-enabled module.  From there, you can remove certain buttons from being available in the navigation set by clicking the down arrowhead in the left frame and selecting Add or Remove Buttons.

Step 2:  Then, add or edit a staff profile to use the new or updated navigation set.  

If you updated an existing navigation set, the navigation set does not need to be modified in the profile.  If you created a new navigation set, you must either edit the existing profile or create a new one that calls out the new navigation set on the Common tab.

Step 3:  In the staff profile, you must also enable appropriate features for the newly-enabled module.  

In the staff profile, click the tab associated with the new module, i.e. the Outlook, Opportunities, or Feedback tab, and enable appropriate boxes to enable the ability to perform the necessary functions associated with that module.

For example, on the Outlook tab, you can enable the ability to create documents, templates, mailings, and campaigns.  

B2C Service Chat features display on the Service tab in the profile.  Outlook Integration and Disconnected Access features display on the Sales tab in the profile.

Step 4:  If you added a new profile for the new module features, edit the appropriate staff account(s) to  use the new profile. 

When the staff member logs in the next time, the additional buttons are available to them -- even if the Customize Navigation Set checkbox is enabled in the profile.