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Using the audit log
Answer ID 2490   |   Last Review Date 11/03/2022

What is the audit log?


Viewing the Audit Log for various record types


When looking at a record in your Oracle B2C Service application, the audit log lists a series of actions or transactions that have affected that record, including when the record was created, events that occurred related to the record (such as editing or changing the status of an incident), and by whom. Items are listed in reverse chronological order.


Record types that have Audit Logs

The default workspaces include a tab for the audit log. Custom workspaces may have the audit log embedded on another tab or removed from the workspace for some reason. If you do not have an Audit Log tab for the record types below, contact the Oracle B2C Service administrator for your site to determine how to access the audit log.

Audit logs are associated with the types of records listed below.

  • Incidents (ac_id 9041)
  • Answers (ac_id 9056)
  • Contacts (ac_id 9050)
  • Organizations (ac_id 9051)
  • Opportunities (ac_id 9058)
  • Tasks (ac_id 9052)
  • Campaigns (ac_id 9060)
  • Surveys (ac_id 9067)
  • Mailings (ac_id 9063)
  • Audiences (segments (ac_id 9066) and contact lists (ac_id 9061))
  • Documents (ac_id 9062)

Additional Considerations

Viewing the entire audit log: The inclusion of audit logs is controlled by the workspace used by the staff member.  The default workspaces include a tab for the audit log. When viewing an audit log, staff can use the Options menu to print, sort, and export the content of the audit log. This is particularly useful if there are a large number of entries in the log.

Rule actions: If a rule acts on a record, the action is included in the audit log, but the name of the rule is not. To determine which rule or rules act on an incident, you must use the Rule Log. For more information on the Rule Log, refer to Answer ID 1873: Using the Rule Log to troubleshoot rules.

Deleted staff accounts: The audit log uses the transactions table along with the current staff accounts and contacts tables to determine actions that have affected the record.

If you delete a staff account from your application, the action is still part of the transactions table, but the staff name is no longer accessible from the accounts table.

As a result, the audit log can no longer display the name of the staff member who performed the action (since it no longer exists in the database).  Instead the audit log attributes the action to a "deleted or unset value". (In older versions, "No Value" or "Deleted Staff Account" may be seen in the audit log of a record.)


Customizing the audit log: 

Staff have some ability to customize the layout of the contents of the audit log. From the Options menu, staff can sort and slice the rows as with any report. The Field Chooser option allows staff to modify the order of the columns and even remove columns. In addition, the user can right click on a column to edit the format, sort the records or hide the column.

For additional information, refer to the 'Audit logs' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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