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HTML editor hangs when copying content and saving
Answer ID 2484   |   Last Review Date 12/17/2018

Why does the HTML editor hang when saving answers?


HTML Editor for Answers and Documents


When working with the HTML editor for creating answers or documents, if you have difficulty saving content that is copied and pasted from another application, check the source code of the content you are copying. While the content may display as basic text and paragraphs, several applications include considerable additional HTML code around that content.

It is recommended to use the standard WYSIWYG HTML editor within the Oracle B2C Service application.

Frequently, other applications, including Microsoft Word 2000 and higher, include custom HTML code for formatting and other span codes that are extraneous to the Ektron HTML editor. This can add several hundred lines of HTML code and several thousand characters which adversely affects performance at the Answer Console.

If the content of your answer or document is large to begin with, i.e. several paragraphs and / or tables of content, the extraneous HTML code can severely interfere with the ability to save that content in the HTML editor.

To avoid this condition, you can use the following options:

  • Paste as Text: When you copy the content, go into the answer editor and right click and choose Paste as Text. This will take out any extraneous code.
  • Wordpad: Consider opening the document in Wordpad and then copy the content from Wordpad into the HTML editor. Copying formatted content from Wordpad instead of Word frequently includes less HTML formatting, which reduces the overall content of the answer that is being saved and viewed in the HTML editor.
  • File Attachment or Link to Document: If the content that you want to publish or mail is lengthy itself, such as an entire chapter of a document or an entire document itself, you can include the document as a file attachment to the answer or move the document to a public web server so that you can link to that document from within the body of your answer or from the outbound email.
  • Text Editor: You can create the initial content in a text editor such as Notepad and then copy that content into the HTML editor for your answer. Basic HTML coding such as paragraphs and line breaks are added to the underlying HTML code for that answer. You can then format the content from within the HTML editor.