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Sending Outreach notifications to staff members
Answer ID 2216   |   Last Review Date 11/25/2019

When are the Outreach notifications sent to our staff members?


Outreach / Feedback, Notifications to Staff


Whether or not Outreach notifications are sent to staff depends on their staff profile and in some cases on the campaign itself.

In order for the specific notification to be sent, it must be enabled for the interface. To determine if a notification is enabled, use the path: Configuration > Site Configuration > Message Templates > select an interface > Administrator Notifications > Outreach. 

The Mailing Started and Finished notifications are sent to staff members whose profile has the Launch / Suspend option enabled on the Outreach tab in the profile. These messages are sent to indicate when an Outbound Email is started and set to Sending status and when the mailing is finished and the status of the mailing is set to Completed.

The Outreach Error notification is sent to staff members whose profile has the System Error Log option enabled on the Administration tab. This notification is sent when the application detects an error in an outbound email.

The Campaign notification is sent to staff members who are listed in the Recipients section when a notification action is included in a campaign. That is, if the campaign includes the action to notify staff, the Campaign notification is sent to the staff listed in the Recipients section.

If the staff account has the Notify Always checkbox enabled in their preferences, they will receive the notification via email as well as at the Communication Center > Notifications page.

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