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Using the Organization Hierarchy feature
Answer ID 2179   |   Last Review Date 12/30/2018

Can I create parent and sub-organizations using the Organization Hierarchy feature?


Organizations, Contacts
Oracle B2C Service


The hierarchy functionality is controlled by the organization workspace. In order to edit the organization hierarchy, the staff member's profile must allow the ability to edit organization records and must also call out an organization workspace that includes the ability to edit the hierarchy relationship item.

To add an existing organization as a child record:

  1. Open the parent organization record and click the Hierarchy tab. 

  2. Click the Add button in the toolbar and select Add Existing. 

  3. In the pop-up window search for the child organization, select the child record and click Select. The child record will display on the Hierarchy tab. 

  4.  Save the parent organization.

To add a new organization as a child record:

  1. Open the parent organization record and click the Hierarchy tab. 

  2. Click the Add button in the toolbar and select Add New. Or right click on the parent folder and select Add > Add New

  3. In the pop-up organization editor, enter the organization information for the child record and click OK. The child record will display on the Hierarchy tab. 

  4.  Save the parent organization.  Important!  The new child organization record does not get created until the parent record is saved.

To remove a sub-organization from the parent organization:

  1. Open the parent organization record and click the Hierarchy tab.  

  2. In the frame, highlight the child record and click Remove from the tool bar. Or right click on the child record and select Remove. 

  3. Save the parent organization record.

An organization can have an unlimited number of subordinates, organized into a maximum of twelve levels per parent organization.

Contact and Incident Associations

Contacts can only be associated with one organization record -- either the parent record or one of the children organizations. When a contact submits an incident, the incident is associated with the organization for that contact. That is, if a contact for the child organization submits an incident, that incident is associated with the child organization, not the parent.

You can enable contacts associated with parent organizations to be able to view incidents associated with sub-organizations.

The MYQ_VIEW_ORG_INCIDENTS  configuration setting specifies which incidents can be viewed by the end-user who is logged in. Values range from 0 to 2, with 0 as the default. A value of 0 means the end-user can view only their own incidents. A value of 1 means the end-user can view their incidents and incidents from others in their organization. A value of 2 means the end-user can view their incidents, incidents from others in their organization, and incidents from all their organization's subsidiaries.

Note: In order to view incidents from another organization, the contact record must be associated to an organization that is at a higher level in the organization tree.

Path to setting(s): Select Configuration from the navigation area > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings > and search by Key.

For additional information, refer to the Creating and Editing Organization Hierarchies section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.