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Editing a document already sent in a mailing
Answer ID 2168   |   Last Review Date 11/25/2019

Can I edit a document that has already been sent in an email?


Documents in Mailings
Outreach and Feedback


The RNM_MOD_SENT_DOCS configuration setting specifies whether documents can be edited after having been sent in an outbound email.

Note:  As a best practice, it is not advised to edit or modify documents that have already been sent in a mailing. Edits to existing, sent documents may cause some reporting discrepancies if links are added or removed from the content.  As a result, it is best to create a new document and use the new content in mailings.

The accepted values for the RNM_MOD_SENT_DOCS setting are:

  • 0 - Disables edit of sent documents. Edits cannot be saved to a document that was sent in an outbound email and a message will be displayed asking the staff member to copy the document and edit the copy.

  • 1 - Prompt on edit of sent documents. Edits can be saved to the document and a message will be displayed warning that the document was sent in an outbound email.

  • 2 - No restriction on sent documents. Edits can be saved to the document and staff members will not receive a warning if the document was sent in an outbound email.

Default is 0.

Path to setting(s): Select Configuration from the navigation area > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings > and search by Key.

Note: If a document is modified after having been sent in an outbound email, you will no longer be able to view the original content of the document in a contact's history. The modified document will display when viewing the outbound email from the Outreach Activity tab of the Contact Console.