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Changing the image of the Submit button in a Web form
Answer ID 2011   |   Last Review Date 12/17/2018

How can I change the image of the Submit button in a Web form in our document?




When using a web form in a document or mailing, Oracle B2C Service uses a default image for the Submit button. To include a custom Submit button, you can add the default Submit button and then edit the underlying HTML code to update the type attribute in the INPUT tag.

Note: The image you use for your custom submit button must be hosted on your company's servers. 

The HTML code for the default Submit button is:

<input aria-describedby="submit_btn_desc" id="submit_btn" type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit_btn" rntsubmit="true" />

To customize the button, you must edit the "type" attribute in the code to call out the image used for your customized button.  For example:

<input aria-describedby="submit_btn_desc" id="submit_btn" type="image" src="http://yourdomain/file_name_of_image.gif" value="Submit" name="submit_btn" rntsubmit="true" />

You can add height and width attributes to define a specific size for your custom Submit button as well:

<input aria-describedby="submit_btn_desc" id="submit_btn" type="image" height="100" width="100" src="http://yourdomain/file_name_of_image.gif" value="Submit" name="submit_btn" rntsubmit="true">

To customize the Submit button, use the steps below:

  1. Open the document, template, snippet, or mailing that contains the web form. The web form is surrounded by red dashed lines and includes the default Submit button.
  2. Click the Source tab at the bottom of the window.
  3. Find the HTML code for the Submit button:
    <input aria-describedby="submit_btn_desc" id="submit_btn" type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit_btn" rntsubmit="true" />
  4. Modify the type attribute of the INPUT tag:
    <input aria-describedby="submit_btn_desc" id="submit_btn"  type="image" src="http://yourdomain/file_name_of_image.gif" value="Submit" name="submit_btn" rntsubmit="true">
  5. If necessary, modify the Submit button for both the HTML and Text components of the record.
  6. Click Save.