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Values of the Operator field when configuring report filters
Answer ID 1744   |   Last Review Date 07/22/2019

What are the values of the Operator field for filters when configuring custom reports?




When configuring filters in a report, the options listed in the Operator field depend on the type of field selected.

Note that wildcards are not allowed with any of the first eight operators listed below: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, not equals or null, and between. If you are using wildcards, you must use the like or not like operators. For this reason, when using text fields, it is most common to use the like or not like operators.

When using the like operators -- like, not like, and not like or null: you should generally use a wildcard (%) to surround your value. For example, if you want to include all fields that contain the word 'all,' you should type '%all%' (including the single quotation marks) in the value field.

Operators and Descriptions
Operator Description
equals (=) The field matches the value exactly, including case.
not equals
The field does not match the value listed.
not equals or The field does not match the value listed or the field is a null value.
less than 
The field is numerically less than the value listed.
less than
or equals (<=)
The field is numerically less than or equal to the value listed.
greater than (>) The field is numerically greater than the value listed.
greater than or equals (>=) The field is numerically greater than or equal to the value listed.
between The field falls between two specified values, including the endpoints. That is, if the between range is from 1 to 100, values that equal 1 or 100 match. When using this option, click in the Value or Expression 2 cell to enter the range of values.
like The field matches the value that is listed. When using the like expression, you should generally use the % sign (wildcards) to surround your value. For example, if you were looking for all fields that contain the word "all", you should type %all% in the value field.
not like The field does not match the value that is listed. When using the like expression, you generally should use the % sign (wildcards) to surround your value. For example, if you were looking for all fields that do not contain the word "all", you should type %all% in the value field.
not like or null The field is either a null value or does not match the expression listed. You can use wildcards with this option.
in list The field matches one of the drop-down menu items selected. (Used only with menu-type fields.)
not in list The field does not match any of the menu items selected. When using this operator with integer fields, the numbers in the Value field must be comma-separated. When using this operator with text fields, the text strings in the Value field must be comma-separated and each text string must be offset by single quotes (for example, ‘red’,’green’,’orange’). Spaces between entries are ignored.
is null The field contains no data in the database and is a null value. Note: This operator is not available in run-time selectable filters.
is not null The field contains some type of data in the database. Note: This operator is not available in run-time selectable filters.
!= or null The field is either a null value or does not match the value exactly, including case. Wildcards are not allowed with this field.
complex expression The field matches the expression listed in the value. This operator is only allowed with text fields and automatically includes a trailing wildcard however, it does not include a preceding wildcard for the search.
!= or null The field does not match the expression listed in the value. This operator is only allowed with text fields and automatically includes a trailing wildcard. To use the NULL filters in reports you need to uncheck the check box that says, "Make this filter selectable at run time.", in the filters.

Note: In order to see null value operators you will need to:

  1. Open your filter.
  2. Uncheck "Make this filter selectable at run time."
  3. The Operator drop down menu will now have additional options.

For additional information, refer to the Filter Operators section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.