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Cannot save an incident in a waiting or solved status
Answer ID 1656   |   Last Review Date 05/15/2024

I get a message that states "You have response text which has not been sent to the customer, this incident is currently in a non unresolved status. Please either send your response text or save it as a note."


Incident Threads, Workspace Properties
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


I get a message that states "You have response text which has not been sent to the customer, this incident is currently in a non unresolved status. Please either send your response text or save it as a note."


If an incident has an uncommitted thread in the response field, you cannot set the incident to the Waiting or Solved status. A thread is uncommitted if you can open the incident and the text in the Response field can be edited further. This indicates that the text has not been committed to the incident thread and has not been sent to the customer.  Once the incident response is sent, it becomes part of the committed thread and can no longer be edited.

An uncommitted thread infers that there is still work in progress, and Oracle B2C Service does not allow incidents to be closed when there is an indication that the issue is not fully resolved.

If you try to solve an incident with an uncommitted thread, a pop-up window displays with a warning message to either send your response text or save it as a note. At that point, the agent must send a response to the customer in order to commit the response to the thread or remove the thread from the Response field and save the incident. The agent could move the uncommitted content to be an internal Private Note and then save the incident.

Uncommitted threads can only exist if the application allows responses to be saved in an incident without committing them to the thread.

The 'Commit Response On Save' property can be configured in the incident workspace for the Incident Thread relationship item:

    1.  If this property is disabled (set to FALSE), staff can add responses to an incident and save the incident without sending a response. When the incident is re-opened, the staff member can still edit the response. At this point, the staff member cannot set the incident to a waiting or solved status since the incident contains an uncommitted thread. The staff member must either send the response or remove the content from the response field.

    2.  If the 'Commit Response On Save' property is enabled (set to True), when an incident is saved, any content in the Response field is committed to the thread regardless of whether a response was sent to the end-user or not. As a result, that content cannot be edited. In this case, an agent can set the incident to a waiting or solved status since the response was committed to the incident thread.

In order to modify the 'Commit Response on Save' property, open the workspace for editing and click within the messages tab. Then select on the Design tab on the ribbon and click the Response Options button. Then, edit the property.

For more information on editing workspace properties, refer to Answer ID 2518: Setting Properties in Workspaces.