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Incident Response Sent rule condition not working
Answer ID 5711   |   Last Review Date 07/15/2019

Why is the "Incident.Response Sent" rule condition not being met despite the Audit Log containing a "Response Sent" transaction?




If the "Send On Save" checkbox is selected, a "Response Sent" transaction is written to the Audit Log anytime the incident is saved.  This occurs whether a Response was actually sent or not.  The "incident.Response Sent" flag, on the other hand, is only set to "True" if both of the following are met:

a.  "Send On Save" is selected
b.  The incident contains an uncommitted Response thread

This means that when an agent saves an incident and "Send On Save" is selected, the "incident.Response Sent" flag is set to "True" if the incident contains an uncommitted Response thread.  Consequently, the incident will match any rule condition requiring the flag be set to "True" during this pass through the rule base.  Subsequent passes through the rule base, however, will not match the rule condition because the "incident.Response Sent" flag will have been reset back to "False" and will remain set to "False" until another uncommitted Response thread is sent. 

The following steps illustrate a couple scenarios that may arise when using the "incident.Response Sent" functionality:

SCENARIO I:  Incident Audit Log contains a "Response Sent" transaction BUT "incident.Response Sent" EQUALS "True" rule did NOT fire

1.  Agent opens an incident and enters a Response thread
2.  Agent saves the incident but does NOT select "Send On Save"
3.  The "Commit Response on Save" Response Option is enabled for the Incident workspace associated to the agent's profile so the response is committed to the incident (but is not saved)
4.  No "Response Sent" transaction is written to the Audit Log and the "incident.Response Sent" flag remains set to "False".  Rule does not fire. 
5.  Agent realizes he/she did not actually send the response
6.  Agent selects "Send On Save" but does NOT enter a new uncommitted Response thread
7.  Agent saves the incident
8.  Agent receives a prompt stating, "You have indicated that you want to send a response, but did not enter a response.   Are you sure you want to proceed?"
9.  Agent selects "OK" and the incident is saved
10.  A "Response Sent" transaction is written to the Audit Log because the incident response message containing all existing incident threads is sent to the incident's contact BUT the "incident.Response Sent" flag remains set to "False" because no *new* response was actually sent.  Rule does not fire. 

SCENARIO II: Incident Audit Log contains a "Response Sent" transaction AND "incident.Response Sent" EQUALS "True" rule fired!

1.  Agent opens an incident and enters a Response thread
2.  Agent saves the incident but does NOT select "Send On Save"
3.  The "Commit Response on Save" Response Option is enabled for the Incident workspace associated to the agent's profile so the response is committed to the incident (but is not saved)
4.  No "Response Sent" transaction is written to the Audit Log and the "incident.Response Sent" flag remains set to "False". Rule does not fire.
5.  Agent realizes he/she did not actually send the response
6.  Agent copies the contents in the committed Response thread and pastes them into a new uncommitted Response thread
7.  Agent selects "Send On Save"
8.  Agent saves the incident
9.  A "Response Sent" transaction is written to the Audit Log because "Send On Save" was selected AND the incident contained an uncommitted response thread.  Additionally, the "incident.Response Sent" flag is set to "True" because a *new* response was sent during this transaction. Rule conditions are met and rule fires!


The "Response Options" within an Incident workspace allow you to configure the functionality surrounding saving and sending incidents.  Please consider altering these options to better suit your business practices.