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Using the Contact Management page to add or update designated contacts
Answer ID 1560   |   Last Review Date 05/14/2024

How do I use the Contact Management tool available on the Site Tools page to add or update contacts?


Contact Management
Oracle B2C Service Support Site > Site Tools


Contact Management allows an organization to manage its contacts, including the ability to add new contacts, change privileges of existing contacts, and disable contacts. Through these privileges, the organization can control who may access and submit service requests to the Oracle B2C Service Technical Support site and manage other contacts.

There is no restriction on the number of contacts for your organization. This allows you to add contacts you deem appropriate for your organization. Please keep in mind that training is absolutely necessary for the success of a Designated Support Contact. Oracle B2C Service will actively monitor service requests from newly appointed Designated Support Contacts to ensure that proper training has been conducted.

Once your new contact has been added, they will receive an email welcoming them to the Oracle B2C Service. Within the email, they will be given their User ID as well as instructions on how to reset their password.

NOTE: For the security of your organization, we cannot provide Technical Support to anyone who is not a Designated Contact nor can we add contacts without a request via a service request. Therefore, it is in your best interest to keep this information current at all times, as it is used for providing Technical Support.

For security reasons, it is strictly forbidden for Oracle employees to act as contacts on a customer or partner instance of the B2C Service CRM solution. Additionally, an Oracle employee should never request a customer or partner for their log in credentials. Qualified Oracle employees have alternative means to access required information. 

Click the plus sign next to the appropriate heading below to expand that section for viewing.

 Important Considerations for Identifying Contacts within your Organization 

One of the biggest keys to success in working with our Technical Support team is setting up the right people to engage with us. There are two different fundamentally important contacts a customer needs to identify within their organization and set-up in Oracle B2C Service to work regularly with our team: the IT Contact and the Site Administrator. Depending on the size of your organization, it can be possible to fill these roles with a single individual. In large organizations, these roles and responsibilities will be divided among several people. As an example, Oracle B2C Service Technical Support team makes use of 8 different Site Administrators to perform various tasks.

Should, for any reason, your organization not have an individual specifically trained and designated as your site administrator, you can fill this gap by engaging with Oracle Consulting Services.

Required Contacts For Your Organization

The IT Contact within your organization is responsible for maintaining your workstations and network infrastructure to the specification required to make our solution run efficiently.  We require these IT contacts so that they can work directly with our environment specialists to resolve workstation or performance issues. If your organization has multiple locations or shifts, an IT Contact and Administrator for each location and shift should be chosen and entered as Designated Contacts.

The Primary Support Contact/Site Administrator performs administrative tasks such as setting up users, issuing permissions, keeping contact records current, choosing configuration settings and customizing the site.  Our most successful customer Administrators are trained by Oracle. If for any reason the Administrator for your Oracle B2C Service site should change, the new administrators should be trained. You can find information about our Training offerings here: Oracle B2C Service or you may contact your Sales Account Executive for assistance.

It is highly recommended that Site Administrators be set as Contact Type: Primary Support Contact with Service Privileges: Manage Contacts.

At least one of your Contact types must have Manage Contact Privileges.
          -  However, you should set up at least one back up in the event of an emergency.
          -  Oracle recommends three contacts with Contact Management Privileges.

Other important contacts to be set up
     • Operations/Business Owner
     • Web Development Contact
     • Security Contact

 Accessing the Contact Management Pages 

To access Contact Management tool:

  1. Log into the support page at
  2. Click on the Site Tools link on the top right side of the page.  
  3. Click the link for Contact Management Tool under Contact Management. (NOTE: This link is only displayed for users with access to Manage Contact privileges. If you do not see this link, please contact your organization's Oracle B2C Service administrator.)

 Contact Management Page Contents 

When you first access the Contact Management page, 'Your Organization's Contact' table displays along with the following information:
Field Name Description
 Your Organization's Contacts table Displays fields: Full Name, Email, Permissions, Type, and Disabled for contacts.
 Logged In As Identifies the Login ID used to access the pages. Different functionality is available to different customers based on whether the Manage Contacts field has been enabled for their record.
 Organization Identifies the organization associated with the login and contact record.
 Support Package Specifies the support package that has been purchased by the company.
 Add A New Contact button Clicking this button takes the user to a page where they may complete a form to add a new contact in the database.
 Contact Create Notifications
Checkbox to receive an email notification when new support contacts or contact managers are created.


The table also has filtering options for:

  • Disabled - Show only enabled or disabled contacts. Select 'Any' to show all contacts.
  • Contact Permissions - Filter for Manage Contacts, Designated Support Contact or Knowledge Base Access.
  • Type - Filter contacts by Primary Support or Technical contacts or those that are knowledge base (KB) only.

 Create/Edit Contacts and Manage Contact Types and Permissions 

The actions and features listed below are available to you if your customer record allows you to manage contacts for your company:

Clicking the Add A New Contact button allows you to create a new customer record in the Oracle B2C Service support database.  To Edit an existing contact record simply click on the contact record from the table


When filling out the form, specific formats are required for some fields as noted below:
Field Name Description
Email Address This field is copied as the contact's User ID and is case sensitive. Please use all lowercase letters when entering the email address.
    Note: If a contact with the same email address already exists you will receive the message "This contact already exists but is not on your organization".
    If the contact email you entered has the same domain as your own, you will be given the option to send an invitation to that contact. They will receive an email with a link to accept the invitation. Once accepted, they will be associated with your organization and appear in your contact list.
First and Last Names Note that each contact should be verifiable by a first and last name. If we cannot identify an individual as the contact we can not work with them to resolve issues on your site.
Phone When entering telephone numbers, use a period (.) to separate groups of numbers. Dashes are not allowed in this field.
Contact Permissions Select the appropriate menu item for your new contact.  Manage Contacts, Designated Support Contact or Knowledge Base Access. See the next section below for a full description of each permission level.
Local Timezone Select the appropriate menu item for your new contact.  This is the contact's local timezone they are working in.
Primary Support Contact? The contact's type will be assigned to Technical Contact unless the Support Primary Support Contact check box is selected.
    - Primary Support Contacts (PSC) are the secured contacts who can request password resets. PSC are the security gate with support for your site.
    - Both Primary Support and Technical Contacts can log Service Requests and follow-up with the Technical Support team.
    Typical Support Contact Type – Service Privilege Pairings
   Primary Support Contact – Manage Contacts
   Technical Contact – Designated Support Contact
   Technical Contact - Knowledge Base Access
Disabled From the 'Your Organization's Contacts' table, click on a contact record to access the Disabled check box.  
    A disabled contact can no longer log in to the support site and will no longer receive answer notifications. In addition, a service request is created and associated with your record to indicate that the account was disabled. Note: The disabled contact remains listed on the page.
Note: While you can disable contacts, it is not possible to delete/hide former contacts from displaying in the list. As a policy, Oracle B2C Service does not delete contact records since they reflect the overall history of your organization account and those disabled contacts frequently have historical service requests associated with their records.

 Contact Permissions (Access) 

The Contact Management pages list three different permission levels a contact can be associated to. The permission level associated to a contact is set when the contact is added for your organization. These permission levels are:

Manage Contacts: A contact with this designation has the abilities to add/disable contacts and are provided with Knowledge Base Access as well as the abilities given to Designated Support Contacts. In addition, they are authorized to access your data, are also responsible for reviewing your Designated Contact list periodically to ensure contact information is correct. 

Designated Support Contact: A contact with this designation has all the benefits of knowledge base access as well as the ability to login to this support site and access the full knowledge base. Support Contacts can also submit service requests to the Oracle B2C Service Support organization.

Note: Contacts with this designation must be trained in the use of the relevant portion of the Oracle B2C Service Solution for their position. If it becomes apparent that a contact with this designation does not have sufficient training we will work with the Contact Manager to assist in obtaining the proper training or to re-designate the contact in question. 

Knowledge Base Access: A contact with this designation can search our collection of knowledge base articles for troubleshooting and how-to type questions, in addition to Product Documentation and Tutorials. 



  • If you are a Contact Manager for your own organization, you can add and edit permissions for partners who work with you. Giving your partners permissions allows them to view, update, or create service requests on your behalf.  This is accessed from the Site Tools page by selecting the My Partners link.

         Details for this option are provided here:  Granting Partners Permission to Manage Service Requests
  • If you are a partner, you can request permissions from your client/customers for yourself and others in your organization. Partners permissions allow you to view, update, create service requests or manage contacts on your client/customer's behalf.

         Details for this option are provided here:  Partner Permissions


For more information about the Contact Management Tool which includes a demonstration of how to add and update contacts, see the Oracle B2C Service Support Tips video: Getting the Right People in Place

It is also possible to create a new Designated Support Contact when updating an existing service request submitted to Oracle B2C Service Technical Support.  Please see Answer ID 9436: Set or add a point of contact on a service request for complete details.

The following provides a brief overview of some of the tools available for designated contacts:
Answer 8956: Oracle B2C Service Tools available for customers.

If you need to reset your password, see Answer ID 4286: Forgot my password for Oracle B2C Service Support Site for assistance logging into the Support Site.

Additional information is available via Answer 4715: Popular Answers About Managing Contacts for Oracle B2C Service.