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Deleting a search criteria (filter) or output column in a custom report
Answer ID 1336   |   Last Review Date 03/13/2024

How do I delete just one search criteria or output column in a custom report?


Analytics, All versions


Within a report, filters define the criteria for records to be included in the report and output columns are the columns of specific data and fields that display when the report is run. You can remove specific filters or output columns from your custom reports.

To delete a report filter, use the steps below:

  1. Open the report for editing.
  2. Access the filters list. From the Home tab, click Filters in the Data Set section.
  3. Click on the specific filter and select Delete Filter.
  4. Click on the filters item and select Edit Filter. 
  5. Review the logical expression for the report and modify if necessary.
  6. Save your report.

Note: When deleting a filter, the application will attempt to correct the logical expression based on what is removed and how it is included in the expression.  It is best to verify that the expression after the filter has been removed is configured as you want it to for your report.  For reports with complex logical expressions, it is even more important to review the modified expression.

To remove a Report Output column from a report, right-click on the column in the display area and select Delete.  Then, save your report.