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New incidents are created instead of updating the existing incident
Answer ID 1297   |   Last Review Date 07/22/2019

One of our customers responded to a solved incident, which created a new incident with a note on the incident saying "Incident created due to reply to expired incident yymmdd-xxxxxx".


Incidents, Re-open deadline, Customer Portal pageset


When replying to an incident, a new incident will be created under any of the following conditions:

  1. When a contact updates a solved incident through the end-user pages and the incident has been solved beyond the time period specified by the "reopen_deadline" condition in the question details page, the "reopen_deadline" condition prevents the incident from being updated. 

    (You can change the amount of time in the "reopen_deadline" condition or prevent customers from ever updating a closed incident, regardless of how recently it’s been solved).
  2. When an incident is updated by email has been solved beyond the time period specified by the reopen deadline configuration.

For incidents being updated through techmail, the configuration setting MYQ_REOPEN_DEADLINE is where the time setting is defined.

Important!: The MYQ_REOPEN_DEADLINE configuration setting is not valid when using the customer portal end-user pages.


For Customer Portal page set, to change the reopen deadline behavior from the question/detail page, you need to edit the incident_reopen_deadline_hours attribute in the conditional tag towards the top of that page. The default page uses 168 (168 hours = 1 week). From additional information outlining this process, please review Answer ID 190: Setting a time limit on reopening a solved incident.