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Requirements to implement custom 'Action Buttons' for Chat in the Browser User Interface
Answer ID 12845   |   Last Review Date 05/22/2024

How can I create custom action buttons for BUI chat agents?

Chat, Browser UI, Engagement Panel
Oracle B2C Service
As of the 24B release, Administrators can implement custom 'Action Buttons' for agents who handle chat sessions within the Browser User Interface
In a subsequent release, we plan to include the ability for Administrators to trigger workspace rules based on custom action buttons.
System Requirements for this enhancement:
1.    Engagement Panel version 17+ must be deployed for the site
a.    If Engagement Panel version 17 is not generally available, then email Jessica Bradley ( to have your site upgraded
b.    There is no downtime associated with this update
c.    First, we will enable Engagement Panel version 17 on your test site, then on your production site at a day/time of your choosing
2.    JavaScript API extensions
3.    This feature does not require a CX update
Administrators can use extensions to present a custom chat action button, by accessing this Engagement Panel API: AgentSession.registerCustomButton()
Administrators must specify the following details for a custom chat action button:
  • The icon class
    • The size of the image should be less than 24 pixels
    • A default icon is provided, however, we suggest using an image that fits the related method
  • The name
    • Currently, there is no restriction to the number of characters that can be used, however, we suggest using a short name
    • Additionally, you may want to include a tooltip, which is supported
  • The method to be called when the button is clicked