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Empty Data in Emailed Chat Scheduled Report
Answer ID 12818   |   Last Review Date 04/25/2024

Why does my chat scheduled report contain no data in the emailed attachment ?

Chat, Analytics
Oracle B2C Service
My Chat Real-time scheduled reports arrive as attachments, but when I open them, they contain no data. When I run the report manually from within our Oracle B2C Service site, the data displays as expected in the report
Real-time reports offer a live snapshot of chat interactions, queue statuses, and agent activities. Unlike scheduled reports, real-time reports retrieve data directly from the chat server as it happens, providing an up-to-the-moment view of operational dynamics. It's important to note that the data in real-time reports is not sourced from the database. Instead, it's dynamically generated by the chat server on demand.

Scheduled reports, on the other hand, operate on data retrieved from the database. These reports are designed to provide a historical overview of chat metrics within specified timeframes. Unlike real-time reports, scheduled reports do not offer instantaneous updates but offer a comprehensive analysis based on past data.
It's expected to observe no data when generating scheduled reports from real-time reports.
If your objective is to generate scheduled reports based on chat data, it's essential to utilize report templates that access standard chat tables without the "_rt" suffix. The "_rt" suffix denotes real-time tables, which are not compatible with scheduled reporting. By selecting appropriate report templates, you can effectively compile scheduled reports reflecting historical chat metrics.
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