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Incident Custom Field visibility in the Interaction workspace in Browser UI
Answer ID 12697   |   Last Review Date 09/14/2023

Why is the custom field value null in the Interaction workspace?


Chat, Browser UI
Oracle B2C Service


The value of an incident custom field, bypassed when the chat was submitted, is not visible in the Interaction workspace. 


When a chat is launched and a certain value is bypassed for an incident custom field, that value will be visible in the associated incident, provided that the custom field had been added to the Incident workspace.

If the custom field is added to the Interaction workspace, however, the value of the field will be visible depending on whether an incident has been created from that session or not:

  • If an incident is set to be created at the beginning of the chat session, the value of the incident custom field will be visible in the Interaction workspace, as was set when the chat was submitted.
  • If an incident is not set to be created at the beginning of the chat session, the value of the incident custom field will not be visible in the Interaction workspace.
    • The original value of the incident custom field for the chat can be saved by clicking the 'Add to New Incident' button before a chat is terminated and creating a new incident from that chat session
    • The original value of the incident custom field for the chat will be lost if no incident is created from the chat session before the chat is terminated
Note: When using the .NET Console, the value of the incident custom field will be visible in the Chat workspace, regardless if an incident is set to be created or not. However, the value of the custom field will still be lost if no incident was created during that chat session.
Details on how to set incident creation options during chat can be found in our online documentation: