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Requirements to configure the Rich Text menu for Chat in the Browser User Interface
Answer ID 12668   |   Last Review Date 09/24/2024

How can I configure the Rich Text menu for chat in the BUI?


Chat, Browser UI, Engagement Panel
Oracle B2C Service


Administrators can now configure whether the rich text menu is enabled or disabled for agents handling chat sessions within the Browser UI. The Rich Text menu is enabled, by default, for all agents within the chat panel (the rich text menu appears as the button with the large letter A and a small letter A, side by side). The Rich Text menu contains common font options that an agent may use when sending text into the chat session, such as Bold, Italic and Underline. If the business requires that agents do not have access to the Rich Text menu, then an Administrator can hide the menu using a custom configuration.
Showing the Rich Text menu within the chat panel is the default setting for all sites & all agents. To hide the Rich Text menu, a Chat Administrator must:
1.    Ensure the Engagement Panel version 14+ is in place
2.    Create a new Custom Config Verb
a.    In the .NET Agent Desktop, open the Configuration Settings from the Navigation Set
b.    From the Ribbon, select New > Text
c.    Type: Site or Interface
e.    Max Length should be long enough to add all Profile IDs and T (true) or F (false)
f.    Value is the Profile ID followed by a colon ":", then the setting "T" or "F"
•    Where False or Null = Show (default)
•    Where True = Hide
Please note:
•    "ALL" is supported, where "all" equals every Profile ID that is present within the interface
•    If a Profile ID is listed, then that configuration takes priority over any "ALL" configuration
•    If a parameter is NULL, then that is the same as FALSE, and FALSE=SHOW
Are there examples of commonly supported scenarios:
In the examples below,
•    We are using Profile ID: 9999 as a fictional profile identification number
•    This format applies to the config verb settings: [Profile ID]:SETTING
o    False (F) = show, you can think of it as: “if false, then show” or “if false, then do not hide”
o    True (T) = hide, you can think of it as: “if true, then hide” or “if true, then do not show”
o    Null is the same as False, where False (F) = show
Given the agent is handling live chats in the Browser UI, I want to…
1.    Hide the Rich Text menu for agents with Profile IDs: 9999, 8080 & 7171
a.    Example: 9999:T, 8080:T, 7171:T 
b.    This means the rich text menu is completely removed from the Engagement Panel for agents with Profile IDs: 9999, 8080 & 7171
2.    Show the Rich Text menu for ALL agents, except for agents with Profile IDs: 9999, 8080 & 7171
a.    Example: 9999:T, 8080:T, 7171:T, ALL:F
b.    This means the rich text menu is completely removed from the Engagement Panel for agents with Profile IDs: 9999, 8080 & 7171
c.    And shown for agents in all other profiles
Can the Value field contain multiple entries? 
Yes! The Value field can include multiple entries that are comma-delimited:
Example: 9999:T, 8080:T, 7171:T, ALL:F
What options are contained in the Rich Text menu?
Agents can access the following font options from within the Rich Text menu:
•    Bold
•    Italic
•    Underline
•    Font Family
•    Font Size
•    Font Color
•    Emojis
What about the emoji menu?
Given the emoji menu is configured to be shown
  • When the Rich Text menu is hidden, then the emoji menu is also hidden
  • When the Rich Text menu is shown, then the emoji menu is also shown
Given the emoji menu is configured to be hidden
  • When the Rich Text menu is hidden, then the emoji menu is also hidden
  • When the Rich Text menu is shown, then the emoji menu is hidden
For more information about how to enable emojis in Chat, please visit Answer 12736: How can I enable the emoji menu for my Chat Agents?