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Unable to download SOC 2 report from
Answer ID 12662   |   Last Review Date 07/18/2023

Why can't I open the SOC 2 document from after clicking the Accept button?

Oracle Cloud Portal, My Services
To download reports from My Services > Documents, you will need to ensure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.  Once this program is installed, please see below on how to download and open a report from this portal:
Edge and Chrome browsers and Windows Operating System:
1. Navigate to the report in My Services > Documents
2. Click the Download link
3. Note the downloaded file is in lower left corner of the page
4. Click the up arrow on the file in the lower left corner of the page
5. Click 'Show in folder'
6. Your Downloads folder should open
7. Under Today, find the file you just downloaded
8. Right-click on the downloaded file and select Open with > Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
9. Once the document opens in Adobe Acrobat Reader, click the Accept button at the bottom
10. The report will open in Adobe Acrobat Reader
Firefox browser and Windows Operating System:
1. Navigate to the report in My Services > Documents
2. Click the Download link
3. Click the download button in upper right corner of the page represented by a down arrow
4. If you do not have .pdf files set to open with Adobe Acrobat Reader by default, click the folder icon next to the downloaded file name
5. Your Downloads folder should open
7. Under Today, find the file you just downloaded
8. Right-click on the downloaded file and select Open with > Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
9. Once the document opens in Adobe Acrobat Reader, click the Accept button at the bottom
10. The report will open in Adobe Acrobat Reader