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Service Availability Metrics found in the Uptime Report
Answer ID 12608   |   Last Review Date 04/19/2023

Where can I find statistics on service availability?


Oracle B2C Service Uptime Report, My Site Tools, Site Information


The Uptime Report available through the Site Info page provides detailed statistics on site downtime due to a Service Event. These uptime statistics include confirmed outage events as entered by the Oracle B2C Service Cloud Operations team. Severity 1 Service Requests which were not part of an actual hosting event are not included in the report. 

For more information on service availability policies, see the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services-Pillar documents linked below:


As part of our commitment to transparency, the Uptime report reflects downtimes for each service type, such as chat, email, Browser UI and Intelligent Advisor. Any Uptime percentages less than 100% are highlighted and easily identifiable at a glance. Statistics are broken up by month for the previous 12 months thus providing you quick access to total downtimes for your site. Please direct any concerns about site availability times to your Sales Account Manager. 

In order to provide an accurate source of truth for all your questions about downtime due to an Oracle outage, the Uptime report will be uploaded and manually reviewed monthly to ensure all service event outage occurrences and durations are accurately reflected. The Site Information page will be updated with the date of each monthly upload. Typically, the past month's service event history will be uploaded by the end of the first week of the following month. Therefore, you will not see any data for the current month. We appreciate your patience while events are reviewed to ensure the accuracy of data. If you have any technical issues accessing or running the Uptime report, please submit a Service Request.