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Newly created (or updates to existing ones) of CX-side account (or contact) profile sync/push-out mechanism to the corresponding KA-side Console (or Web) user profile
Answer ID 12574   |   Last Review Date 03/01/2023

How is the newly created (or updates to existing ones) of CX-side account (or contact) profile being sync-ed/pushed out to the corresponding KA-side Console (or Web) user profile?


Knowledge Advanced for Oracle B2C Service


KA has 'lazy/delayed' sync mechanism implementation that the account (or contact) profile info will not be sync/push-out from CX-side to KA-side in real time (ie, at the creation/updates time on CX-side).  Instead, it would be 'delayed' until:

1) The very first/subsequent KA functions (like search/browse/view of KA answers from Customer Portal UI, or Authoring UI, or via KA REST API) invoked by this account (or contact) user after its profile creation/updates.  

2) For CX account (ie, KA Console user) only, there is OOTB "Shadow Account" batch job (default scheduled to run daily around midnight) is executed.  See KA Authoring>Tools>Shadow Account>Configure page for details.