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Chat Engagement Panel in BUI
Answer ID 12531   |   Last Review Date 12/13/2024

What is the Chat Engagement Panel in BUI?

Oracle B2C Service
Chat, Engagement Panel (EP), Browser UI

The Engagement Panel (EP) is the section of the Browser UI where agents handle live chats. The icons available on the Engagement Panel are actionable, depending on the status of the chat. There are many helpful icons, timers, and other indicators to help agents understand the status of the chat session. 

The Engagement Panel includes the following:
  • The transcript section, which contains all chat correspondence between the agent and the end user. If a chatbot is in place, the transcript section may also contain previous conversations that occurred between a bot and the customer.
  • The compose section, which is where agents can post public messages to end users during a live chat session. Agents can also post private messages to other chat agents, who may have conferenced into the conversation. For example: when a supervisor is coaching the agent during a complicated chat session. 
The Engagement Panel is a single version feature and is periodically upgraded. This upgrade is done automatically, without impact to the agent or the end user. We update this answer as new versions of the Engagement Panel become generally available. 

You can easily see the Engagement Panel version applied to your sites by logging into the Browser UI and accessing the About menu. 

The current, default version of the Engagement Panel in production today is version 14. Each new version of the Engagement Panel includes a new set of features that can be enabled on your site. Click the plus sign next to the appropriate heading below to expand that section for viewing.
Engagement Panel version 14
Rich Text Menu Is Updated
Focus on the First New Message
Timestamp Option
Answer ID 12535: Requirements to set-up & configure typing indicators for Chat in the Browser User Interface
Font Selector
Sneak Preview
Answer ID 12536: Requirements to set-up & configure typing indicators for Chat in the Browser User Interface
Customer Typing Indicator
Answer ID 12536: Requirements to set-up & configure typing indicators for Chat in the Browser User Interface
Visual Separator
Please Note: It is possible that your organization uses a newer version of the Engagement Panel, than what is currently the default. Oftentimes, a new enhancement for chat requires the most recent version of the Engagement Panel; and that version of the Engagement Panel may not be the default version. The following table contains features that require a newer version of the Engagement Panel, than what is currently the default:
Engagement Panel version 15
Chat MagnificationAnswer ID 12452

: Requirements to set-up the Magnification Function for Chat Agents in the Browser User Interface

Queue Color for the Chat Toast23C What's New
Transfer options for Chat
Answer ID 12597Answer ID 12597: Requirements to set-up & configure the Transfer options for Chat in the Browser User Interface
Engagement Panel version 16
Automatically accepting chats
Answer ID 12742: Automatically accepting the chat toast by queue in Browser UI
Terminate Confirmation Dialog Answer ID 12618

: Requirements to set-up & configure the Terminate Confirmation Dialog for Chat in the Browser User Interface

“Not in Focus” timerAnswer ID 12669

: Requirements to configure the “Not in Focus” timer for Chat in the Browser User Interface

Sound AlertsAnswer ID 12741

: Sound Alerts for Agents handling Chat in the Browser UI

Engagement Panel version 17
Chat in Browser UI: Rich Text Menu Is Updated
Answer ID 12711

: Requirements to configure Engagement Panel Display Options for Chat in the Browser User Interface

Agent Suggestions for ChatAnswer ID 12841

: Requirements to configure Agent Suggestions for Chat in the Browser User Interface

Language Translation for ChatAnswer ID 12842

: Requirements to configure Language Translation for Chat in the Browser User Interface

'Action Buttons' for ChatAnswer ID 12845

: Requirements to implement custom 'Action Buttons' for Chat in the Browser User Interface

“Not in Focus” timer reportsAnswer ID 12846

: “Not in Focus” Time data points for Chat in the Browser User Interface

Transfer Queue Allow ListAnswer ID 12853

: Requirements to configure the “Transfer Queue Allow List” for Chat in the Browser User Interface

Send a Zoom Link from Within a Live ChatAnswer ID 12929

: Requirements to configure Zoom for Chat in the Browser User Interface

Chat Header can be Color Coded for Wrap-upAnswer ID 12711

: Requirements to configure Engagement Panel Display Options for Chat in the Browser User Interface



For additional information, refer to the 'Engagement Panel' section in the BUI Online User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.