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Customer Portal 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 Deprecation and EOL
Answer ID 12455   |   Last Review Date 11/26/2023

What do I need to know about the CP framework v3.6, v3.7 and v3.8 deprecation and EOL?


Customer Portal versions 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8
Oracle B2C Service


The Oracle B2C Service Customer Portal versions 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are deprecated as of November 2022. Customers on those versions, as well as those using an older version of Customer Portal, should migrate their Customer Portal implementations to the version 3.9.

How long do I have to migrate my customer portal implementation?

The deprecation period for Customer Portal 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 starts November 2022. These deprecated versions will remain available in Oracle B2C Service through November 2023 when they will become End of Life (EOL). End of Life (EOL) is defined in the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies.

Why are these versions being deprecated?

At Oracle our top priority is security. Most of our resources to find, fix, and patch issues go into our latest and greatest feature set – as most of our customers stay current. It is in the best interest of our customers and their customers to stay up to date on the newest technology.

Are there new features in Customer Portal 3.9?

The Customer Portal Dev Team continually provides features, enhancements – and more importantly – security updates with each release. It is always recommended to stay on the newest Customer Portal version.

Where can I go to find more information?

Please watch our recent in depth Customer Portal Framework Migration webinar to learn framework update best practices. The Oracle Cloud Customer Connect Customer Portal forum is a great place for "how to" questions.