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Chat Request Source
Answer ID 11753   |   Last Review Date 03/29/2021

How do I know where was a chat requested from?


Chat, Analytics, End-User Pages
Oracle B2C Service


The 'chats' table contains valuable information regarding the methods and pages from where the chat has originated. 

The first thing you can check is the source of the chat, meaning whether the chat has been requested through standard pages, a certain chat widget or a certain type of API service. This information can be found by checking the value of the field chats.request_src. An example of a standard report containing this field is the Chat Audit Report (AcId: 3047)

If you want to go even further and find which pages were accessed prior to the chat being requested, you can verify the 'clickstreams' table, where you can search for this information based on the value of the column cs_session_id, which should be the same as the value of the column session_id in the 'chats' table. 


When using the Clickstreams data, please keep in mind that there is only limited data available from the last 30 days. Because of this you will not be able to report on data older than 30 days.

For details on how to "decode" the data present in the 'clickstreams' table, please see Answer ID 5103: Anatomy of a session as reported in the clickstreams table.