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Best Practices for Implementing Chat Widgets
Answer ID 11116   |   Last Review Date 10/16/2019

What are some best practices for deploying Oracle B2C Service Chat widgets onto my website?


B2C Service Chat, Engagement Engine


Oracle B2C Service offers several types of Chat widgets for a company to deploy. Let’s begin with a brief explanation for each of the chat widgets: 

  • CCL: Conditional Chat Link, referred to as the CCL, is a standard Customer Portal (CP) chat widget that can be used to place a link to chat or a chat button onto a CP page
  • PAC: Proactive Chat, referred to as the PAC, is a standard-CP chat widget that can be used to place an invitation to chat onto a CP page
  • SCCL: Syndicated Conditional Chat Link, referred to as the SCCL, is a syndicated chat widget that can be used to place a link to chat or a chat button onto a non-CP page
  • SPAC: Syndicated Proactive Chat, referred to as the SPAC, is a syndicated chat widget that can be used to place an invitation to chat onto a non-CP page

Let’s define ‘Syndication’:

  • For the B2C Service Chat solution, syndicated widgets are those used on non-CP pages
  • In our instance, syndication refers to a relationship between two websites where one website is providing information (transmitting site) and the other website is displaying information (receiving site). For the receiving website, content syndication is an effective way of adding greater depth and immediacy of information to its pages, making it more attractive to users. For the transmitting site, syndication drives exposure across numerous online platforms
  • For example: For an Oracle B2C Service site associated with “Acme, Inc.”, the transmitting site would be and the ‘receiving site’ (i.e. the one where the SPAC offer is displayed) is

Let’s understand the difference between a CP and a non-CP page:

  • An example of a CP page is:
  • Any customer portal pages a company might have deployed
  • An example of a non-CP page is:
  • Any non-CP page like a company’s marketing .com site or their product pages
  • To determine whether a page is CP, add /ci/about to the end of the URL
    • If Customer Portal information is shown, this is a CP page
    • If you receive an error (ex: 404/page not found), this is a non-CP page

Here are some best practices for deploying Syndicated Chat Widgets:

  • Syndicated widgets (SPAC, SCCL) should be deployed on non-CP pages (external pages)
  • Syndicated widgets (SPAC, SCCL) are not designed to be deployed on CP pages

Answer ID 5349: How do I get started using Syndicated Chat Widgets?
Answer ID 1474: How do I launch Chat from non-Oracle B2C Service pages?
Answer ID 10106: Webinar “Chat Widgets and You”

For deploying Chat Widgets with the Engagement Engine:

  • The Engagement Engine can be used to deploy the SCCL and/or SPAC widgets on non-CP pages (external pages)
  • The Engagement Engine cannot be used to deploy the SCCL and/or SPAC widgets on CP Pages. Syndicated widgets should not be deployed on CP pages
  • The Engagement Engine can be used to deploy the CCL and/or PAC widgets on CP Pages, however this requires CP3+ (not possible with CP2 versions)

Answer ID 7153: How do I get started using the Engagement Engine?
Answer ID 9847:  Actions for Customers using Engagement Engine
Answer ID 7154:  Popular Business Rules in Engagement Engine
Answer ID 10106: Webinar “Chat Widgets and You”

For deploying Customer Portal Chat Widgets:

  • CP widgets (CCL & PAC) should be deployed on CP pages
  • Non-syndicated Widgets (CCL & PAC) should not be deployed on external pages
  • Syndicated widgets (SPAC, SCCL) are not designed to be deployed on CP pages

Answer ID 10106: Webinar “Chat Widgets and You”

For Agents & Administrators to ensure they have the correct system settings to chat within the Oracle B2C Service console:

Answer ID 2189: What are the best practices for configuring and using Oracle Service Chat?

Other helpful chat answers include:

Answer ID 4725: These are popular answers about chat routing, chat analytics and general chat information