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Applying SLA via API with Oracle B2C Service
Answer ID 11048   |   Last Review Date 09/08/2019

Why is my organization SLA not getting applied on the incident when incident gets created via Oracle B2C Service API?


Oracle B2C Service - all releases


In a standard scenario, contacts for incidents created from the customer portal will automatically be associated with the organization they belong to, leading to the incident being applied the organization SLA.

This occurs due to the fact that the logic behind the standard "Ask a question" page checks for the contact ID - organization ID association BEFORE inserting the incident record into the database.

In these cases, the org_id field will be populated for the incident and the incident will be applied the organization SLA.

When it comes to the use of APIs however, the product logic no longer makes this association between contact ID - organization ID before inserting the incident record into the database.

Consequently, the org_id field will receive a NULL value, in which case the incident will be applied the contact SLA, not the organization one.

When the corresponding incident gets updated, the association between contact ID - organization ID is being performed and the incident is correctly applied the organization SLA.  So the operation takes place AFTER creating and updating the incident into the database.

This is the by design behavior with Oracle B2C Service APIs. 

For more information on the use of APIs with Oracle B2C Service, please see our documentation available at: Technical Documentation and Sample Code.