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Running a traceroute
Answer ID 1104   |   Last Review Date 02/22/2024

What do I do when Oracle B2C Service Technical Support has requested that I perform a trace route to check our connection?


Trace route
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


We are experiencing "Unable to Communicate with Server" errors. We have no connection to Oracle B2C Service servers.


Since your location is different than ours, and because the internet is comprised of a "web" of routers talking to each other, your path to the Oracle B2C Service servers is different from our path. This is why we are unable to reproduce from our location. In these cases, we will ask you to perform a trace route to ensure continuity to the Oracle B2C Service servers.

To perform a trace route, please follow the steps below:

  1. From your computer, select Start (i.e. bottom left corner) > Run > and type "cmd" (no quotes). This opens a "Command Prompt" window.
  2. At the command prompt, type:
    tracert > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\tracert.txt

    Substitute your interface's name for "interfacename" in the above line.
  3. Press enter to run the trace route process.
    This process will run a trace route to the Oracle B2C Service server and output the results to a file named tracert.txt on your desktop.

  4. Please attach the results, tracert.txt to your response to the service request.
File Attachment