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Answer Publish Date field has the same value as Date Created
Answer ID 10931   |   Last Review Date 07/26/2019

Why does the Answer Publish Date field have the same value as the Answer Date Created?


Answers, Answer Versioning
Oracle B2C Service, 18A and newer


Answer Publish Date field has the same value as Date Created.


The Answer Publish Date field does not reflect the time when the answer's status was changed to public, but it shows the time when an answer version became live.

Accessing the Data Dictionary, we can see that the Publish Date field (v$published) belongs to the answer_versions table and it shows the date and time when the answer version was published. Therefore, it is not related to the time when the answer itself was created. If the answer has only one version, the version's publish date will match the answer's creation date.  

For more information about the answer versioning, refer to: Answer ID 10000: Answer Versioning.