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Single Sign On (SSO) Issue analysis
Answer ID 10882   |   Last Review Date 02/13/2024

How do I work with Technical Support for analysis involving a possible SSO issue?


Oracle B2C Service, All versions


Administrators should first make every effort to troubleshoot configuration issues using the logs available natively within Oracle B2C Service.

In the situations where a product issue may be involved either during the implementation phase or with functionality updates, Technical Support will need the following details in order to move forward and investigate the issue as a potential product issue:


A Fiddler trace that needs to run locally, where the possible issue exists(Ex: SSO login error Console/Customer Portal). Please see the Fiddler installation instructions, below:

Fiddler can be downloaded from the following Link
Instructions to run Fiddler:
1. Install Fiddler;
2. Start 'Fiddler';
3. When Fiddler starts, on the top left of the Fiddler screen, select "Tools" followed by "Options";
4. In Tools > Options, navigate to the HTTPS tab and select/tick 'Decrypt HTTPS traffic...'. (**Important - if this step is skipped the results will not be useful**)
Note: "Install certificate" option should be selected with "YES" if prompted . Click "OK" to close the "Options" window;
5. Click 'Start Capture'(F12 key) at the bottom left side of the Fiddler screen. Here the button looks like a blank text area, before the area option "All Processes";
6. Start Oracle B2C Service and work normally until an error occurs;
7. In Fiddler, click the 'Snapshot' button to embed a screen-shot of the error into the results('Snapshot' button located next to Save button in the toolbar);
8. Acknowledge or dismiss the error message to complete the capture of the issue in Fiddler;
9. Once you have captured the error in Fiddler select 'Stop Capture'(F12 key);
10. Save the Fiddler - select 'Save Capture', save the file in the default format .saz
11. Compress the .sav into a 7z, xz, or Zip archive.
12. Attach this to the response of your service request.


SAML Response

Can be captured using browsers(Firefox/Chrome) open source SAML plug-ins, when the issue reproduces/occurs(Ex: SSO login error Console/Customer Portal). 
After the SAML Response is captured, copy the browser results into a text file and attach the file to your service request response.

Links to install browser based SAML tracer:

SAML tracer for Firefox.

SAML tracer for Chrome.



Detailed steps to reproduce the issue. 
It is important for Technical Support to know what were the steps taken prior to the occurring issue/error. The steps should include details like the below example:

1. What URLs were accessed;
2. What is the resource and/or button that was selected after the URL was loaded;
3. What is the expected behavior vs the actual behavior.
This is important for the purpose of replicating the issue at Technical Support's end that will decrease resolution time.