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Updating a custom field with Connect for PHP
Answer ID 10513   |   Last Review Date 09/26/2019

How do I update a custom field with ConnectPHP?


Version February 2017 and newer, Connect Common object Model (CCOM) version 1.3 and newer


Custom fields are set when the save() method is called on any primary object.

Please see the sample code below that demonstrates setting a value for a menu_field type custom field:

$incident = RNCPHP\Incident::fetch(1);
$incident->Subject = "Subject updated";
$incident->CustomFields->c->text_field = "new value";
$incident->CustomFields->c->menu_field = new RNCPHP\NamedIDLabel() ;
$incident->CustomFields->c->menu_field->LookupName = 'value 1';
$incident->CustomFields->c->integer_field = 123;

Note: The NamedIDLabel object will only allow a value to be assigned once. Assigning more than once will result in an exception indicating "Not allowed: NamedID.ID already set". Overwriting an already assigned value will require a new instantiation of the NamedIDLabel object. 

For additional information please visit: Answer ID 5169: Technical Documentation and Sample Code