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Cutover Reschedule Limitations
Answer ID 10494   |   Last Review Date 10/07/2021

Why can't we reschedule a cutover beyond a certain date?


Oracle B2C Service, All versions


Oracle B2C Service users may postpone update cutover and choose a new target date and/or time using the Configuration Assistant during update process by selecting "Manage My Update" under Site Operations. Once the Upgrade Site has been created, the Cutover Date and Time can be updated by clicking "Change". 


Update Site information


Reschedule the update cutover by using the Date and Time fields. Save your changes.


Change date and time of cutover


However, there are some conditions for postponing cutover schedule.

  • The last available date for cutover is the close date of either 30 days beyond the current scheduled cutover date or the End of Life (EOL) date
  • The customers must complete cutover before the current version of the site becomes EOL

It is extremely important to complete update cutover before the site reaches EOL. For more details of EOL policy, refer to Answer 11896: Oracle B2C Service Version Update Policy