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Getting "attempt to write a readonly database" in Bulk Delete API
Answer ID 10340   |   Last Review Date 07/22/2019

Why am I getting the "attempt to write a read only database" error when trying to use the Bulk Delete API?


Oracle B2C Service Connect PHP API, all supported versions


The "attempt to write a read only database" error can be seen when attempting to use Bulk Delete in Connect PHP 1.3 or earlier versions of Connect API. The Bulk Delete feature was introduced in version 1.4 of Connect API and will not work in earlier versions. You would have to make sure your script uses Connect 1.4.

In addition to using the latest Connect API version, please make sure you are authenticating using a staff account that has the appropriate permissions (Delete) enabled on the Standard or Custom Object. The profile must also have "Bulk Delete" checked under Permissions -> Administration.

For more information please review the Connect PHP documentation:
Answer ID 5169: Technical Documentation and Sample Code