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I can't see my new custom object in the list of new records when I click on 'File'
Answer ID 10273   |   Last Review Date 11/19/2018

Why can't I see my new custom object in the list when I create new records from 'File'?


Oracle B2C Service all versions


You will need to check the navigation set your profile is using and modify it in order to add these new records as these will not be added automatically. More details about modifying navigation sets can be found in Answer ID 2439 - Creating and customizing navigation sets.

Additionally, you might also want to make sure to give permissions to Create/Read/Update/Delete on the custom object for the profile you are using since these permissions will also have to be manually provided to the profile once you've created a new custom object. More details about profile permissions can be found in our online documentation that can be accessed by clicking the "?" symbol on the top right corner under the close button in the Oracle B2C Service console. 

As another useful tip, please also keep in mind a new workspace will need to be created for the new custom object record types you want to create in order to create/open them. More details about creating workspaces can be found in Answer ID 2483 - How do I configure a new workspace?.


The reason you're not able to see your newly created custom object in the list of new records that show up when you click the 'File' button on the top left corner is due to the navigation set not including this newly created type of records. It must be added manually to be visible.