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What's on your wish list?

Elaine Leffler  |  09/13/2022
Views: 2089
I keep a wish list active on a major online retailer's site, hoping people will reference it for gift-giving occasions. They rarely do, preferring to ask me directly. Maybe they don't know the list exists, or maybe they want to ensure my wish is fresh (nobody likes a stale wish). In the spirit of freshness, I'd like to know what kind of content you'd most like to unwrap.
Recently I've spent some time reviewing past Support Experience Blog content. Over the years this space has hosted a diverse wealth of content, including:
  • Customer Experience trends and practices
  • Events of interest
  • B2C Service usage and recommendations
  • Best practice
  • Ask The Experts
  • Tips, tricks, and shortcuts
  • Support Webinars
  • New features
Some of the most popular entries have covered topics like managing session count, workspaces and workflows, data deletion gotchas and best practices, optimizing chat implementations, BUI extensions best practices, demystifying custom process models, and queued/scheduled reports.
It's always nice to get just what you want, so let us know what you'd like to see more (or less) of in the future. If you have specific topics to suggest, leave a comment below or email me at
In the meantime, here are upcoming events of interest:
October 17-20, 2022: Oracle CloudWorld 2022
See you here next time - and don't be shy about those wishes!

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