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Managing and Monitoring OSvC Health

Cimberli Kearns  |  07/13/2018
Views: 1802
For information regarding a discussion of service and system metrics, error review and management, identification and removal of unused assets as well as methods for keeping a site up to date. Go here to watch the recorded webinar. 
There is an attached a zip filed with our SiteDown Pinger. It's a tool used to notify our agents when an unassigned site down is received. It contains addin code for the alert tool at the bottom of the console notifying an agent when an alert has been hit. It also contains the php code that generates the alerts and can be reused for almost any purpose by just changing the ROQL query. is used to monitor  the asset usage in a system. In the file, you'll find: 
  • PHP code that is running reports and saving the results into a CBO
  • An export of the relevant CBOs
  • The definitions for the reports the PHP code is running
  • A csv containing what's in the meta data CBO table
As mentioned in the webinar, we don't offer warranty on any shared resources. Please make sure to review and update as needed.
Please visit our Oracle B2C Service Support Webinar page to see what's next on our schedule or suggest a topic for a future webinar.

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