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Knowledge Base (54)

  1. Answer: Environment: Mobile, Cookies, Widgets Oracle B2C Service, Customer Portal Issue: When selecting the desktop link from the mobile site, it diverts to the desktop site. If the browser is then closed...
  2. Answer: Environment: All Versions, Analytics Oracle B2C Service Resolution: The way to add the answer URL is to format the column accordingly in the report to the answers on your end user pages. To do...
  3. Answer: Environment: Chat, End-User pages Resolution: Chat will use a secure SSL connection as long as end-user SSL is enabled. End-user SSL is enabled by default for Oracle B2C Service as of version May...
  4. Answer: Environment: Incidents, Audit Log, Response Threads Oracle B2C Service, All versions Issue: From the Audit Log of our example incident, there is a Response Sent transaction, but not a corresponding...
  5. Answer: Environment Chat-enabled Profiles Account Options - Incoming Chat Assignment Control Resolution Since profiles are designed to group accounts according to functionality, it is generally not advisable...
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Documentation (40)

  1. Link to a URL

    RNChatConfigurationChangedMessage 7 /api/javax/xml/rpc/Stub.html   Supported Operations Last Updated: 02/08/2023
  2. Link to a URL

    Transactions Database Table Transaction Types ) Status Changed (6) Time Billed Added ( 7 ) Response Sent (8) Escalated (11) SmartAssist (12 Last Updated: 09/09/2022
  3. Link to a URL

    Transactions Database Table Attribute and Description Fields type of transaction that failed: 8–Response sent 14–Forwarded 21 –Forwarded by a rule 22–Quote sent Last Updated: 09/09/2022
  4. Link to a URL

    Create a Menu-Only Custom Object then enter a name for the menu item. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to add other menu items. To add language Last Updated: 09/09/2022
  5. Link to a URL

    Add or Edit a Currency the tree and go to step 7 . To add a currency, click New and select Currency . The Last Updated: 09/09/2022
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