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Knowledge Base (2)

  1. Answer: Environment:   Knowledge Advanced, All Versions Resolution: There are two out of the box (OOB) searches for Knowledge Advanced (KA):  One in the Customer Portal (CP) for contact...
  2. Answer: Environment: Knowledge Advanced for Oracle B2C Service  Issue: There is no OOB (out of box) report for user subscriptions.  When CP users (contact users) or .NET and BUI users (account...
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Documentation (1)

  1. Link to a URL

    Function Reference (Korean) 수를 출력합니다. 두 날짜의 순서는 바뀌어도 무관합니다. 시간 함수 ( English ) 테이블 7은(는) Intelligent Advisor 규칙에 사용할 수 있는 시간 Last Updated: 08/22/2024
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