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Knowledge Base (3)

  1. Answer: Environment: Ask a Question (AAQ), SmartAssistant (SA), Appending SA via Business Rules Oracle B2C Service Resolution: There are two options for appending content / suggesting solutions using...
  2. Answer: Environment: Analytics, Profiles / Accounts All versions Resolution: Standard Reports Two standard reports allow you to view staff account information based on profile permissions. For more...
  3. Answer: Environment:  Profiles/Staff Accounts Oracle B2C Service Resolution: If a user profile has the "Profiles" checkbox checked (under the "Administration" tab) then all profiles will be available...
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Documentation (104)

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    Check if a condition is true for at least the specified number of consecutive preceding days be used to determine whether a customer's bank account balance has exceeded $ 50 for at least 2 Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Review and Accept Autotuner Recommendations . Double-click SA Auto Tuner component in your configuration list. The SA Auto Tuner dashboard Last Updated: 09/09/2022
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    Review and Accept Autotuner Recommendations . Double-click SA Auto Tuner component in your configuration list. The SA Auto Tuner dashboard Last Updated: 02/22/2024
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    Capture implicit logic in rules claimant has lived in America for more than 50 years The claimant has lived in America for more than Last Updated: 06/16/2024
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    Count the number of whole hours between two times scheduled arrival time of the flight is 2020-10-13 09: 50 :00 and the arrival time of the delayed flight Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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